Inspiring, witty, and engaging productions every time.
Faith Under Fire
Dina and her father, Chacham Nissim, are on their way to find a better life in another country. Their ship is captured by pirates and Dina is sold as a slave to Al Kissei, advisor to the caliph. Chacham Nissim is redeemed by the Jewish community and he embarks on a mission to find his daughter. Dina is taken to kindly by her mistress who treats her more as a daughter. She fights to keep Torah and mitzvos in the home of a rabid anti-Semite. When Al Kissei realizes the depths of Dina’s intelligence, he employs her as his secretary. The Caliph notices the intelligence displayed in Al Kissei’s documents and requests Dina’s assistance as well. Al Kissei convinces the caliph to sign a decree of expulsion against the Jews. Meanwhile, Chacham Nissim finds Dina’s whereabouts and tries to convince the community leaders to rescue her. They are found out however, and arrested. When they are brought before the caliph for judgement, Al Kissei pressures for the death sentence. Dina throws herself upon the caliph’s mercy and father and daughter are reunited at last.
Length: 70 minutes
Characters: 16
Songs: 6
Dances: 4
Performed by Bais Chaya Mushka, Detroit 2012
Bnos Menachem Junior High, Crown Heights 2018
Lubavitch School, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2020
OYY Lubavitch, Manchester, England 2021