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Based on the novel “Chains,” by Leah Gebber, it tells the story of three cousins - Shulamit, Mariam, and Yehudit. Shulamit is captured by Roman soldiers while wandering away from home one day. She is taken to Rome and sold as a slave. Her inner spark is undefeated and she waits for an opportunity to escape. She is caught, but still remains determined to return to her people. Mariam and Yehudit remain in Yerushalayim. The once beautiful city is besieged on the outside by Roman platoons and on the inside, fierce and vicious fighting between different factions of Jews that wish to control the Jewish response to Roman occupation. Mariam, as a trained healer, helps all those she comes across. Yehudit is disgusted by the infighting and her artistic soul yearns for the culture and freedom of the Roman life. Biryonim, unhappy with Mariam’s help, give her and her cousin over to the Romans where they too are taken and sold as slaves in Rome. Shulamit has given up hope, thinking that Hashem has abandoned her when she stumbles across her cousins for sale in the slave market. She arranges their purchase. Mariam tries to rouse the others to escape, but Shulamit is too despondent, and Yehudit too enamored of Roman life. However, after witnessing the victorious march of Titus, they all agree to escape. Upon seeing the ruined state of their land, they mourn bitterly, but Mariam reminds them that geula is around the corner.
Length: 90 minutes
Characters: 24
Songs: 6
Dances: 4
Performed by Bnos Menachem Junior High, Crown Heights 2020